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Alpaca Skin Disease

Alpaca Skin Disease
June 2, 2018 admin

Serious Skin Issues in Alpaca

Did you know that alpacas living in NZ are prone to some serious skin issues? Mites, mange and dermatitis! A lot of skin diseases often look the same despite having different causes.







Mite infestations can cause alpacas to become incredibly itchy. Some mite infestations are mild where only the feet and legs are affected. Other times, the entire body and face can be affected. Constant itching causes skin damage which lets bacteria invade. The end result is severely traumatised skin, which can become infected, fly-struck and can resemble thickened wrinkly elephant skin. This is often painful and is a welfare concern, requiring immediate treatment.


The good news?? We can help you manage skin disease in alpaca

Get in touch with our team today to get more information about managing skin disease in your alpacas.