 027 838 5433       laura@thelifestylevet.co.nz

The Lifestyle Blog

The Lifestyle Blog
June 2, 2018 admin

Troublesome Teeth? No Problem for us


In some alpacas, the front teeth become crooked or grow beyond the level of the dental pad. Sadly this can stop alpacas from being able to eat properly and can cause weight loss.  

Affected animals require dental work. A special circulating power tool called a dremel is used to trim the teeth to the correct length (see pictures below). Side cutters should be avoided as these can shatter the teeth and cause long term damage to the roots. Dremels are fantastic dental tools, but they require a skilled operator as they are very sharp. If used incorrectly, they can overheat the teeth and damage the roots. The gold standard and safest approach to alpaca dentistry involves your veterinarian, some sedation to reduce stress, a skilled operator and a dremel.

Alpacas are our speciality and we often carry out alpaca dentistry on a daily basis.

Call us today to book in your alpaca dental!