Preventing Abomasal Bloat in you Ag Day Animals….
Have you heard of using the Soured Milk Recipe to prevent Abomasal Bloat?
Did you know that feeding lambs and goat kids cold soured milk appears to be one of the only ways we can prevent abomasal bloat in hand reared lambs? Using this recipe should dramatically reduce or eliminate the risk of this disease. Start feeding soured milk from day 5-7 after birth with a gradual transition from warm to cold feeding.
- Add 1kg of Anlamb to 3 Litres of warm water, in a large bucket ( a 9 or 10 L bucket brand new clean bucket is perfect). Mix well using a hand mixer to remove any lumps.
- Add 200mL of plain unsweetened acidophilus yoghurt (you can gets from the supermarket) and mix together with the AnLamb mixture
- Place a lid over the top of this bucket, and place the bucket in the hot water cupboard for 12- 24 hours.After a 24 hour period the milk should both look and smell like yoghurt
- Remove 200mL of this soured milk product and set it aside in the fridge in a sealed tupperware container. This 200ml will be your starter for the next batch that you will have to make at some stage
- Fill the bucket of soured milk up to the 8 litre mark with cold water, and mix thoroughly
- This soured milk is now ready to feed at normal quantities. It will last for 5 days in a cool place.It can therefore be made up twice a week 🙂
What else?
We also recommend that you vaccinate your lambs and goat kids with the Covexin 10 in 1 vaccine rather than the Ultravac 6 in 1 or 5 in 1 vaccine. The reason for this is that the Covexin vaccine protects your lambs from the clostridial and sarcinia bacteria that are often involved in the development of abomasa bloat. Get in touch with us today by emailing us at thelifestylevet@gmail.com or call us on 0278385433 for more information about organising vaccinations for your animals.
Categories:The Lifestyle Blog